Insights, knowledge and more 

Uncover invaluable insights and knowledge on wellbeing from our extensive collection of articles, guides, webinars, and e-books. 


Permissions and Authentication

Learn how to set up the Pleaz integration in Microsoft Teams for your organization with our Permissions & Authentication Guide.


Data Handling Security and Privacy

Explore Pleaz's Trust Center for data security and privacy measures, including GDPR compliance and data handling protocols.


Backed by science

Micro exercises at work have some surprising benefits for both the employee and the employer. Significant increases in employee engagement


How to prevent back pain at work?

Between 23 to 38 per cent of office workers have experienced lower back pain at work. This blog post describes what can be done to prevent it

Ready to elevate your hybrid workforce?

Pleaz is the first B2B software that automatically facilitates social team activities. Meet the new Co-Pilot of hybrid teams!