Filmic 2 cut

All your hybrid team activities in one place

Seamlessly integrated with Microsoft Teams, Pleaz facilitates social & healthy team activities for your hybrid workforce​. 

Understand Pleaz in 3 minutes!

Experience the Pleaz Co-Pilot

Beyond connecting hybrid teams, Pleazers, as the connecting activity, yield additional benefits: 18% enhanced belonging, 17% stress reduction, 2x job satisfaction increase. Staying true to our origins, Pleaz focuses on functional exercises, mental breaks, office yoga, and fun challenges.

These activities offer health benefits by breaking sedentary work patterns, alleviating tensions, and preventing desk-related injuries - expect renewed energy, heightened creativity, and reduced burnout. See how easy it works below!

All hands & team meetings

Start any virtual meeting in Microsoft Teams with a Pleazer and watch your team thrive. 

Pleaz can be installed as a quick-access button in all Microsoft Teams meetings in your company.
Any employee can start team meetings with stretching, training, yoga, mindfulness or whatever activity the team prefers. 
All Pleaz activities are around 5 minutes long and made to fit into the team meeting. 

How it works 

Start Pleaz in one click

App button

Quick-access button in MS Teams 

Pleaz can be installed as a quick-access button in all Microsoft Teams meetings in your company. 

Everyone votes


The democracy wins! 

When Pleaz is started, everyone in the meeting gets 4 options to vote on. 

The video with the most votes will start automatically, and the team is ready to have fun! 

Have fun!

Have fun!

Your team activity starts 

The Pleazer will automatically start and your team is ready to have fun! 

App button

Quick-access button in MS Teams 

Pleaz can be installed as a quick-access button in all Microsoft Teams meetings in your company. 


The democracy wins! 

When Pleaz is started, everyone in the meeting gets 4 options to vote on. 

The video with the most votes will start automatically, and the team is ready to have fun! 

Have fun!

Your team activity starts 

The Pleazer will automatically start and your team is ready to have fun! 

Company wide activity clubs 


Set up any activity club with Pleaz such as 'Monday Mindfulness' or 'Tuesday Training' and invite all your colleagues! 

Create a calendar-event like you normally would and invite the full team for your new activity club. 

The Pleaz-App in the MS Teams meeting will take core of the rest! 


How it works 

Setup your activity club


Schedule & Invite like you normally do

Decide whether your new activity club should be for training, yoga, mindfulness, stretching or something else.

Create a calendar invite for a virtual meeting like you normally would for an all-hands meeting.

Invite as many as you like for your new activity club.  

Everyone is reminded and joins like a normal MS Teams meeting. 

Start the activity club in one click


Quick-access button in MS Teams 

Press the Pleaz button to start your activity club! 

Everyone votes


The people decide!  

Let the people joining the club decide what specific video they are in the mood for. When Pleaz is started, everyone in the meeting gets 4 options to vote on. 

The video with the most votes will start automatically, and the activity clubs is ready to go!  

Have fun!

Have fun!

Your activity club starts  

The chosen video will automatically start and your activity clubs is starting in seconds! 


Schedule & Invite like you normally do

Decide whether your new activity club should be for training, yoga, mindfulness, stretching or something else.

Create a calendar invite for a virtual meeting like you normally would for an all-hands meeting.

Invite as many as you like for your new activity club.  

Everyone is reminded and joins like a normal MS Teams meeting. 


Quick-access button in MS Teams 

Press the Pleaz button to start your activity club! 


The people decide!  

Let the people joining the club decide what specific video they are in the mood for. When Pleaz is started, everyone in the meeting gets 4 options to vote on. 

The video with the most votes will start automatically, and the activity clubs is ready to go!  

Have fun!

Your activity club starts  

The chosen video will automatically start and your activity clubs is starting in seconds! 

Daily energy boosters

Pleaz integrates into any chat between you and your colleagues in Microsoft Teams. 

Setup exactly the Pleaz-routine that you'd like. 

Everyone in the chat gets a notification when the time has come. 

Click 'Join', and Pleaz will take care of the rest.

How it works 

Facilitating social activites in a hybrid workplace has never been easier!

Schedule & customize


Schedule & customize

Customize exactly the team routine that you prefer. 

Any employee can create their own Pleaz-routine with exactly the colleagues they'd like, at the exact time that fits the during the week and only with the content they love.




Get reminded only when you want! 

Pleaz will remind you when it's time to join the activity you set up - everyone in the chat gets a notification. 


Have fun!


Have fun! 

When you have clicked join, you get into the same virtual room as your colleagues.

From here, Pleaz takes care of the rest, 

We present 4 options that match your customized needs.

Everyone votes on what they prefer and the activity starts automatically. 

This must be the easiest way to create healthy habits together as a team.


Schedule & customize

Customize exactly the team routine that you prefer. 

Any employee can create their own Pleaz-routine with exactly the colleagues they'd like, at the exact time that fits the during the week and only with the content they love.



Get reminded only when you want! 

Pleaz will remind you when it's time to join the activity you set up - everyone in the chat gets a notification. 



Have fun! 

When you have clicked join, you get into the same virtual room as your colleagues.

From here, Pleaz takes care of the rest, 

We present 4 options that match your customized needs.

Everyone votes on what they prefer and the activity starts automatically. 

This must be the easiest way to create healthy habits together as a team.

Pleaz product - overlapping

Ready to engage your hybrid workforce?

Activities from experts of the world

'Pleazers’ are short team activities led by world record holders, Olympic gold medalists, and other inspiring athletes and experts. Whether your team prefers training, stretching or meditating together, our world-class instructors have you covered with great content. 

functional exercises

Functional Exercises

Frame 1924


gamified challenges

Brain Breaks







Eskild Ebbesen

Olympic gold winner


Rikke Hørlykke

Olympic gold winner 


Henrik Duer

Training and weightloss expert 


Stig Severinsen

World leading breathing expert 


Our methodology

Research shows that most initiatives die out after 3 months. That's why everything we do, evolves around establishing routines that fit into the workday. Our consultants help global companies create a vibrant workplace community through social engagements for hybrid teams, enhancing the feeling of belonging.

Once the right routines have been established, Pleaz serves as a Co-Pilot, automatically facilitating the long-lasting routine through MS Teams, having already facilitated +300k engagements globally.

In our methodology, the first three months are crucial as we need to test and adjust to find just the right fit for your organization and team. That is why we have our four-step onboarding process.


engagements map
  • Our ABC of onboarding

  • Full Service Help from Pleaz

  • Monthly initiatives

Securing a structured onboarding and end-to-end implementation support

A. Focus on 'Team Habit Creation'

Pleaz' unique approach is 'social first'. 

The first thing we do is to help you get Pleaz integrated as a great start of your recurring team meetings. Our focus is especially on team meetings and all-hands meetings. 


B. Start small, iterate and go big! 

We start small to make sure our implementation plan is fitted to your company needs.

After iteration, we go big and make sure you get all the impact you want! 


C. Continuous improvements

With Pleaz, you get a dedicated Pleaz-consultant with no extra cost. We are with you all the way to make sure Pleaz is a continuous success. 


Adressing the four key stakeholders 

The Pleaz Consultant

When you partner with Pleaz you do not just get access to a tool. Your Pleaz consultant has experience creating sustainable routines with different types of organizations and employees and will bring this knowledge into the partnership with you. It is important for us to understand your needs and your goals to design the implementation with you.

Your Pleaz consultant keeps an eye on data every week and will meet with you monthly to assess if and what changes need to be made. To keep the healthy routine more interesting, the Pleaz consultant will also share material for our wellbeing theme every month throughout our partnership. 

The Project Lead

The project lead is the strategic partner and owner of this initiative on your end and will work closely with the Pleaz consultant and other internal stakeholders to make Pleaz a success. The project lead will be responsible for:

  • ensuring the needed IT approvals
  • inviting colleagues to events (launch, webinars, etc.) 
  • inviting colleagues to Pleaz routines 
  • finding Pleaz Champions
  • sharing communication from Pleaz on internal channels
  • sharing feedback from employees with the Pleaz consultant.

The Pleaz Champions

Implementing Pleaz and building sustainable routines is a team effort and we love working with ambassadors in your local teams and departments. 

We call them Pleaz champions! 

Pleaz champions can be team leaders, HR, P&C, EHS professionals, or other employees involved in internal networks with a natural reach and social glue in the organization.  

The Pleaz consultant can meet with all champions to onboard them to Pleaz and how to build routines for their teams. 

The Management Group

If your management team facilitates all-hands meetings, this is the best way to start spreading Pleaz. Have fun all together and spread awareness. From here local teams find their own Pleaz routines as well.

Remember, the Pleaz consultant offers to onboard managers and team leaders to Pleaz and the routines as well.

Wellbeing calendar 2024

Providing continously updated and relevant initiatives, month after month

When you partner with Pleaz, you get full access to our yearly wellbeing calendar. Every month, we invite you to delve into different facets workplace wellbeing. Offering a holistic wellbeing initiative should be easy. Hence, we provide you with campaign material for you to share the theme of the month within your organization. 

Keep your routines alive with our hand-picked daily Pleazers. Each month, we will put together a Pleazer program within the theme of the month and release new content.



Questions about our solution?

What is a 'Pleazer', and how long does it take?

We call the fun, video-based, social wellbeing activities – Pleazers.

The majority of our Pleazers are two to five minutes long, enabling you do have the time do to this during a busy work-day.

Each is provided with a science-based description of the benefits. Pleazers require no preparation, fitness clothing, special equipment, or need to take a shower afterwards. 

Why should my employees do Pleazers?

In short – to prevent employees from sick leave.

Studies show that performing micro exercises during working hours has the potential to prevent up to 12.8% of employees’ long-term sickness absence.

This is an opportunity for companies to use the work environment as a place for promoting health. Taking the active approach to employee wellbeing will benefit with the range of positive outcomes for the company.

The benefits of doing Pleazers:

🌱 Reduced muscle pain
🌱 Increased muscle strength and flexibility
🌱 Stress and burnout prevention
🌱 Increased energy levels
🌱 Enhanced social belonging
🌱 Higher work satisfaction

* Study from National Research Centre for the Working Environment (click)

**A short, simple exercise that doesn’t require any preparation, special equipment, fitness clothes or a need to take a shower afterwards

How often should we do a Pleazer?

Studies show that for the best effect, Pleazer should be performed daily, during the work week. Or at least 2-3 times a week.

According to our research in collaboration with The University of Copenhagen, 4-5 pleasers a week for 3 months can increase: 

🌱  +10% to overall well-being at workplaces
🌱  +20% to mental well-being when doing Pleazers together 

The best thing is that you don’t need to remember about it because pleasers can be scheduled as an occurring event in your calendar so your team members can join from any location.

When is the best time to do a Pleazer?

Anytime you feel a need for it!  

At Pleaz we do it twice a day:

🌱  In the morning at 9:50 to help us start the working day with a fresh focus
After lunch at 13.50, so we can remove the feeling of tiredness after eating and get energized instead and get up to speed with the tasks in the second half of the day.

How does Pleaz work for a hybrid or remote team?

Pleaz is designed to connect hybrid working teams together, so it can be used from any location.

This allows employees across locations to connect during a hybrid working day, and to get those important watercooler moments, that otherwise often gets lost when being away from the office.

How can Pleaz support social belonging?

The social aspect of Pleaz, is one of the main reasons why Pleaz works, and keeps working.  

Doing Pleazers together is a great way to build healthy work habits. Building habits is a process and when you share the responsibility of building the routine. 

While you’re having a lot of fun together your body delivers you all the happiness hormones needed to stay healthy. Normalising taking healthy breaks during the day contributes to more productivity and increased feelings of satisfaction

Ready to elevate your hybrid workforce?

Pleaz is the first B2B software that automatically facilitates social team activities. Meet the new Co-Pilot of hybrid teams!